

"La jetée"

Last night as I was sitting in an office in Soho waiting for 800 gigs of footage to transfer, my DP asked me if I had watched La jetée yet. I hadn't because I basically don't do anything this year except work. Luckily I had 3 hours to kill during the transfer, so he pulled up the film on his computer. It's not very long, (about half an hour) and quite beautiful... It's black and white with very little motion. In fact, it only has one scene that was shot on a motion-picture camera and boy is it lovely. I also was particularly taken with the sound design. I love white noise, whispers, heart beats... it takes things to another level. What's also interesting is this film is what inspired 12 Monkeys starring Brad Pitt. The film is also one of the influences in the video for David Bowie's "Jump They Say".

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