

Zoe Dzunko

IRL (Summer of Distance)

If only to know this
unknowable thing, like
can the body hope to
be anything more than
measurable edges,
fifteen colours, a name
and a date. It is not 
enough to find the soft
skin behind the kneecap,
caress it in moments
of tenderness; the lined
palm of mystery goes
on collecting its dumb
DNA memories from the
bodies it skims, urging
close, closer. I know you
like the bent water vision
of the legs that became,
so quickly, not my own;
I know you like the black
screen you dull to at night,
effacing a days worth
of experience. And
ever still, the longing
to know a body down
to its pixels, where they
form their squares from the soft
human curves of a cheek;
the warmth of an ear, lost
in twenty-three rose-hued
variations; limbal
ring blown out, into this
mess of eye.

Zoe Dzunko is the author of All of the Men I Have Never Loved (Dancing Girl Press), Bruise Factory (NAP) and Wet Areas (Maverick Duck Press). She is the Poetry & Short Prose Editor of The Lifted Brow, an Assistant Editor for Coconut Magazine and, with Sarah Jean Grimm, founded Powder Keg, an online poetry quarterly. Her work has recently appeared in Guernica, H_NGM_N, Bodega, The FanzineTwo Serious Ladies et al. She’s online at:

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