

Ricky Garni


I once knew a girl named Plum Brown Butter Financier with Late Harvest Riesling Ice Cream.

We loved to dance.

We especially loved to dance the Milk Chocolate Caramel Tart With A Foamy Peanut Elixir -- who?
Plum Brown Butter Financier with Late Harvest Riesling Ice Cream and me.

Sometimes we danced the Milk Chocolate Caramel Tart With A Foamy Peanut Elixir,
me and Plum Brown Butter Financier with Late Harvest Riesling Ice Cream,
on the Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris like tout le monde.

We would dance the Milk Chocolate Caramel Tart With A Foamy Peanut Elixir, on the Boulevard Saint-Germain,
Paris like tout le monde until our feet hurt. They really did.

They hurt because our feet were foamy.

But foamy feet don’t stop love.

Plum Brown Butter Financier with Late Harvest Riesling Ice Cream, always used to say:
foamy feet don’t stop love.

Don’t stop! Shake it, baby! ! I would scream lovingly to Plum Brown Butter Financier with Late Harvest Riesling Ice Cream.

We would laugh and laugh. And kiss and kiss. And dance the Milk Chocolate Caramel Tart et al.

Sometimes we saw Rock Shrimp and Pork Belly Croutons with Marinated Eggplant and Cannellini Beans
staring at us menacingly from the shadows.

If only I knew then what I know now.

Then what would I do.

That’s cinchy.

I would dance on the Boulevard Saint-German like tout le monde.

Ricky Garni is a graphic designer living in Carrboro, North Carolina. His work can be found in EVERGREEN REVIEW, CAMEL SALOON, USED FURNITURE REVIEW, ORION HEADLESS and other places. His latest poem is called HOW THEY KILL MEN IN CHICAGO, taken from the 25 second movie of the same name,  produced in 1900. In the spirit of overkill, the poem takes four minutes to read.

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